Disguised in a brown wig, torn jeans and a sweater, mezzo-soprano, Katherine Jenkins, treated Tube travellers to an impromptu performance on the London Underground recently.
The 31-year-old singer was soon identified by fans as she gave a tear jerking rendition of songs like Time To Say Goodbye, Carrickfergus and Bring Me To Life.
Says Andy McCrossen, 43, from Dartford, Kent, who works on the London Underground:
“I find her music quite emotional.
“I saw her singing then I realised she had a wig on and I recognised her. It’s unexpected to see her on the Tube. You could see a crowd building up.
“She’s not your usual busker, she’s got an amazing voice, she puts a lot of emotion into it.”
At the conclusion of her 45 minute performance at Leicester Square Katherine Jenkins signed autographs for fans.
She said, “The people were really lovely. One guy said I had made him late for work now, but I didn’t know I made people cry, that’s amazing. It’s got a great acoustic down there, I didn’t want it to end. It felt like we were doing something quite special.”
The stunt was organised by the Evening Standard in London.