Network Rail is supporting this year’s RailStaff Awards at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham.
The RailStaff Awards brings together men and women working in all areas of the industry highlighting a spirit of co-operation, openness and transparency that reflects the core values of Network Rail.
This year’s event is especially relevant as the rail industry plays a leading role in the London 2012 Olympic Games. Most spectators are expected to get to and from the main events by rail.
Engineering works will be largely suspended for the duration of the games. More than 600 Network Rail volunteers will join railway staff at stations to help guide millions of passengers to and from the London Olympics this summer.
Network Rail continues to devolve power to front line managers, increasing efficiency and driving down coasts. Recently Network Rail has been forming line of route alliances with train operating companies.
Says David Higgins, chief executive, Network Rail, ‘This marks a new phase in the evolution of Network Rail as we continue to push decision making away from the centre, empowering our front-line managers to run the railway more effectively, and forging closer working relationships with our customers, the train operators. Network Rail will continue to focus on delivering our obligations to all parties, protecting the interests of all customers whilst maintaining the seamless operation of the whole network.’
The RailStaff Awards is a cross-industry initiative designed to bridge old divisions and rivalries. Train drivers, route directors, station dispatchers and network operations staff join together to celebrate the courage and professionalism of ordinary staff across the railway.
Says Tom O’Connor, managing director of Rail Media, which is staging the RailStaff Awards, ‘We welcome Network Rail to the RailStaff Awards and thank all staff for their support and encouragement. Network Rail and the hard work of its staff is an integral part of the success story of the modern railway.’