Repair work is to be begin on the Cutty Sark railway bridge in the next few weeks.
Located outside of Glasgow, the bridge sits on the Argyle line between Bargeddie and Baillieston railway stations and passesĀ over the A8.
Network Rail will strengthen the main girders and bridge deck, blast clean and repair the metalwork, apply corrosion protection to steelwork, paint the entire bridge, repair masonry and clear adjacent vegetation.
For safety reasons a contraflow will be in place on the A8 near to the Showcase Cinema for 20 weeks from June 5.
The project is part of a wider programme of maintenance on Network Rail’sĀ structures which is designed to extend their lifespan and keep theĀ network safe and reliable.
Network Rail programme manager Billy McKay said: ‘Delivering this work in 20 weeks is a logistical challenge but we have planned the job carefully with our contractors and will complete it with the minimum possible inconvenience.’