HomeRail NewsThe Scottish railway station used by just three passengers a week has...

The Scottish railway station used by just three passengers a week has been saved

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Following calls for its closure, Transport Scotland has announced that Breich railway station’s future has been secured.

A consultation was launched to decide the fate of the station, in West Lothian, which is used by 2.6 users on average each week.

Given its low patronage, a review was launched as part of the Scottish Government’s investment into the Shotts Electrification project to consider its long term viability.

But now, rather than have all services to the station cut, it could benefit from an enhanced timetable.

Transport minister Humza Yousaf said: “The overwhelming response to the consultation was in favour of keeping Breich station open. Not only that, many respondents wished to see more services calling at Breich station to increase patronage.

“Having taken on board the strong support for Breich station, I have made the decision it should remain open. My officials are working with the ScotRail Alliance to see how we can increase calls at Breich to make it a more viable station which encourages greater use of rail.”

Any additional calls at Breich will be included in the May 2019 timetable change following completion of the Shotts electrification project which is expected to reach completion early 2019.

Read more: This Scottish railway station is used by just three passengers a week



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