Transport for London (TfL) is to introduce new measures after fresh figures revealed that men are on average paid 19.7 per cent more than women – higher than the national average of 18.1 per cent and the London average of 16.2 per cent.
As well as a specific performance target to reduce the gender pay gap each year, anonymous job applications and a new development programme for groups under-represented in senior roles will be introduced at TfL.
The findings come as the Greater London Authority published its latest gender pay details.
The local authority explained that the gender gap in the GLA Group is not due to women being paid less for doing the same job, but because there are not enough women in senior roles.
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London mayor Sadiq Khan said that the gender pay gap has existed unchallenged and hidden away for too long.
He added: “While the data I have published today makes for painful reading for all at City Hall and the majority of the GLA group, it’s only by taking these steps and highlighting that there is a problem, that we will properly address the inequalities in our society.
“It’s abundantly clear that we all need to do more to understand why there are not enough women in senior leadership roles, and then ensure we remove those barriers, so that across our great city we are adopting the highest possible standards for fair pay, good working conditions and gender equality.”
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