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Amazing apprentices awarded

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Apprenticeships offer an amazing pathway for learners from all walks of life to gain the skills and knowledge needed to build great careers in the rail sector. Conversely, apprentices are an essential resource for rail companies, bringing new ideas and energy, and stepping in to fill the skills gaps left when staff exit the industry.

The Apprentice of the Year Award recognises those who become an apprentice straight out of education or make a change later in their careers. Each finalist exhibits exceptional talent, determination, and a passion for learning.

Specialist rail and infrastructure services provider Readypower Group stepped up to support the award in 2024. Employing some of the UK’s most experienced rail construction and maintenance teams, Readypower is acutely aware of the importance of attracting the best talent out there.

From front line services to office support functions, its teams come together to deliver an excellent result for its customers. Its people are the most important part of the service it delivers, and it is always looking to expand its team as the business grows.

This year, Joe Dodman from Motion Rail Ltd stood out above the rest of the competition. Joe’s passion for trains and the railway led him to secure a telecommunications technician apprenticeship with Motion in 2023. His enthusiasm was evident from his first interview, and he has dedicated himself to supporting others through his learning, experiences, and innovation.

Colleagues said: “He doesn’t let challenges deter him and his resilience is truly inspiring. Integrating and building a rapport with whoever he meets, Joe is a truly valued member of the rail industry.”

Joe was stunned to have won the award and generous in thanking his supporters: “It was an absolute honour to have been nominated for this award let alone to have been a finalist and gone on to win it. I’d like to thank Pete, Emma, the other apprentices and everyone at Motion, as well as my parents for their support.” 

Highly commended
George Creed, Alstom
Caitlin Mayhew, Transport for Wales

Back next year

We have exciting sponsorship opportunities available for the 2025 awards.

If you’re interested in discussing this further or would like to put forward nominations from your team for future awards, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or call us on 01530 816 440.

You can also find out more and view the upcoming pictures and videos from the evening by visiting our website www.RailStaffAwards.com.
