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New chair for rail industry’s West Midlands Supervisory Board and Grand Rail Collaboration

Alex Warner has been appointed as chair of the Grand Rail Collaboration (GRC), a West Midlands rail industry group committed to boosting train reliability...

Cambridge North station celebrates third birthday

Cambridge North station, which was built to improve rail links for people in the north east of the city as well as to improve...

Railway signallers help deliver meals in Bristol

A group of Network Rail signallers in Bristol have helped deliver more than 500 meals a week during the coronavirus crisis to hospitals and...

Derby Network Rail engineer volunteers over 550 hours as NHS responder

Mike Fallows, who has worked for Network Rail for 18 years and is currently a senior engineer based at Derby, has been helping with...

South East London lines to close for 9 days over the summer

Network Rail is giving passengers advance warning that the railway through Hither Green, in South East London, will be closed for nine days from...

Sunbelt Rentals Rail invests £400K on solar lighting

Sunbelt Rentals Rail - the new name for A-Plant in the rail industry - has added £400,000 of new solar lighting towers to its...

Station staff keep passengers moving

As the lockdown slowly eases, and more people start to travel by train, social distancing will become more of a challenge, bot for passengers...

GB Railfreight appoints Alex Kirk to be its new infrastructure manager

GB Railfreight has appointed Alex Kirk as general infrastructure manager. He joins GBRf from Network Rail, where he began his career as a graduate...

HS2’s Old Oak Common station receives planning approval

HS2 has received planning approval for Old Oak Common station in west London. It will be the largest new railway station ever built in...

Samaritans launches Self-Help app

Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about your feelings. Even knowing exactly how you're feeling can be hard. To help, Samaritans has launched its...

Southeastern establishes new community rail fund to promote social wellbeing and economic development

Train operator Southeastern has launched a £400,000 fund for community rail projects and is inviting proposals from existing Community Rail Partnerships (CRPs) and other...

Railway Benefit Fund helps railway family through Covid-19

Tim Shoveller, managing director of Network Rail’s North West and Central region, is also chairman of the Railway Benefit Fund. In that role, he...

Vandals attack West Midlands Trains, putting themselves and passengers at risk

Vandals that have attacked trains in the West Midlands could affect the operator’s ability to keep passengers socially distant. That’s the warning from West Midlands...

Scotrail tackles mental health

Dominic Quilty is one of more than 50 ScotRail employees who has received extensive mental health first aid training through NHS-accredited material. The scheme,...

Surge in trespass incidents bring warning to stay off the tracks

Network Rail is urging people to ‘Stay off the tracks and stay safe’ in a new digital media campaign. Since the start of lockdown on...

Stuart Browne appointed as Hoppecke’s new general manager in the UK

Stuart Browne has been announced as the new general manager of Hoppecke Industrial Batteries’ UK operation. He joined Hoppecke UK in 2015 as service director...

HAKI and Enigma forge new distribution partnership

HAKI, the manufacturer and supplier of modular scaffolding & tailored access solutions for temporary works, has entered an exclusive agreement with Enigma Industrial Services,...

Dawlish sea wall contributes £3 million to South Devon economy

Work to rebuild and improve the sea wall at Dawlish has resulted in £3 million being spent locally in south Devon between June 2019...